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Thaimacu Lodge

At Thaimacu Lodge everything is aimed at relieving you of the stress of your busy life.  
Contact with nature, beautiful landscapes and much more...

Located in an area of ​​1.4 million hectares preserved and is the only hostel in operation at the State Sports Fishing Reserve Rio São Benedito / Yangtze, created on the initiative of the Inn Thaimaçu with the Government of the State of Pará. it is a transition region between the Amazon and the Cerrado, with the presence of high forests, forests of mid-sized and cerrado.
This unique feature, combined with the fact that a region with guaranteed preservation (Reservation of Indians Kayabi and Reserve Air Force Serra do Cachimbo), provides the presence of numerous endemic species (only found in a given area) of fish, poultry and vegetables , many of which are not yet described by the Scientific Literature.
The Thaimaçu stands out for its high quality and efficiency of services. There are twelve years of sport fishing pioneer with a very low employee turnover. 20 spacious aluminum boats are available from 18 feet with 25 hp engines with upholstered seats.
Guides-piloteiros are local, experienced and technical, with great knowledge about the species and their habits.
Every two clients, fishing in pairs (or alone if single) is allocated a guide piloteiro.
It is located southwest of Pará in the north central region of Brazil.